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How to Write a Business Ethics Research Paper: Tips & Topics

Student research papers are usually tied into direct experience with their current first hand knowledge. Business is a different animal altogether, one that - unless the student is interested in business studies - only a few understand.

A business ethics research paper should be very easy to approach since business practices involve the human practice of giving someone something for, essentially, a trade of something else.

That simple gesture can be expanded to serve more people where more items are changing more hands. At a certain point, if not from the beginning, certain common sense ideas should be enforced to keep the business in operation.

Tips For Preparation

Before starting the paper, the student must think from their comfort zone. Even their zone of interest is good enough, if they want a challenge. If the experience of the student comes from family business then the paper can start there.

  • Sources - One would look at the huge skyscraper in town and think of that as a business they want to do research on for which there should be no problem with 'mining' for research through newspapers and magazines. Otherwise they're inaccessible to a student writing a paper. Of course anything is possible.
  • Conduct Interviews- The student should play a reporter. Become a journalist for their own paper and collect information from a small businesses they're familiar with. Places they can go to.
  • Collecting Information - Everyone has their way of conducting research. And if the student already knows the topic they're after, that alone will drive them to get the answers they need. For those who do not, it's best to collect as much information as possible from those businesses to even help discover a research paper topic.

Topic Ideas

Looking for topics on business ethics isn't very difficult at all. One only needs to turn on the television, go on-line or check the radio to hear about business ethics practices all of the time. There are even media sources that specifically report on business topics, where a student can get their ideas from.

Business ethics has wide range such as human resources, unions, worker safety, ethics in the workplace, etc. Here are a few topics of interest to help:

  • Treating Workers Like Family?
  • Business And Global Ethics
  • Politics and Leverage
  • Direct Hire Or Third Party?
  • Protecting The Temp Worker Versus The Employee

When a student thinks of business, they might think more about the complications of Wall Street than of business practices itself but they are two different things. A mention of stocks or shares should be related to the topic if it should present itself.

Try To Stay Grounded

One thing a student will encounter is the blurry lines between business and politics, when dealing with ethics. Unless the professor specifically says that it's okay, the student should be clear with their narrative and the context it is in.

There is simply too much opinion to see things for what they really are, if anything those broadly referenced topics can be used with local research to see what the impact is but, should not be the driving force of the paper if the student wants to remain neutral.

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