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I Need Fresh Topics to Write a Research Paper on

How should a research paper be formatted?

  • Students should format a research paper per their professor's instructions and specifications.
  • Students should format a research paper using one of the following formats:
    1. APA Format Style.
    2. MLA Format Style.
    3. CBE Format Style.
    4. Chicago Format Style.
  • The student must select the format style that is preferred by their professor.
  • A research paper should include the following sections:
    1. Title Page
    2. Abstract
    3. Introduction
    4. Materials and Methods
    5. Results
    6. Discussion
    7. Conclusion
    8. Bibliography
    9. Cited Resources
    10. Appendix
  • A research paper should be written in 12 point font Times Roman, double-spaced, and with 1 inch margins on all sides of the paper.

The steps the student must take when writing the research paper:

  • A student must choose a topic to write about that is of interest to them and challenges them.
  • A student must begin to do research on the topic to ensure that it is worth taking time to write about.
  • A student can do research on the topic on the web, journals, news articles, books, literature reviews, periodicals, etc.
  • A student must do a rough draft of the thesis statement.
  • A student must complete an outline of the term paper.
  • Once finish research and take notes on the topic, the student must organize the notes in the way the notes will appear in the paper.
  • Students should write at least two rough drafts of the research paper.
  • A student should have someone review their final draft of the term paper before turning it in.

How to select a good topic for one's research paper?

  • Students can choose a topic that is current and trendy on social media and in the news.
  • Students can choose a topic from the course materials or the course book.
  • The topic can be selected from a list of topics that are very interesting to the student.
  • The topic selected should not be too broad or too narrow.
  • The topic selected should not be one that has been discussed and debated extensively.
  • The topic should be close to what was discussed in the student's class.
  • The topic can be selected by the student's professor or teacher.
  • Students can get suggestions on a good topic from their class mates, friends, professors, and others.
  • Whatever topic the student selects they must ensure that it can be easily researched, interesting, and will not be hard to do a term paper on.

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